Everybody is taking serious the swine flu after the World Health Organization raised the alert level to 5, and after the first death was reported in the US. In Mexico there have been 176 reported victims of the H1N1 strain and several other hundreds have been reported as infected. Also, the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon has told Mexican people to stay at home for at least five days until things cool down because there is no place safer than home. He said that a simple walk on the streets can get you infected therefore people should remain at home.
Zombies are very popular among Internet users, and some of them ( theInternet users, not the zombies) found time to laugh and they wrote a satire inspired by the first case of swine flu reported in London. A few days ago a student from Mexico said that the feels like in a zombie movie as you never know who could carry the H1N1 virus. Well, these guys decided to write a satire which says that there is a zombism outbreak in London as the H1N1 influenza mutated into the H1Z1 influenza.
It is said that the swine flue zombie strain can resurrect a human after his death. After what happened in London with the zombism, WHO has raised the alert level to 6, and now it is clear that a pandemic is imminent. WHO officials reported that after two hours after the initial death of a zombie swine flu victim, the H1Z1 virus can restart the heart of a person who will quickly behave in “extremely violent ways” due to a mixture of brain damage and an unknown chemical released into the victim’s blood during his resurgence.
The satire-report says that there have been multiple cases of the zombie swine flu including one in the Netherlands where a 3-year-old child died and then returned to life in order to lunge at his mother.
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